Hitendra Vasudeo, a post graduate in Economics from Department of Economics, Mumbai University. Run's a internet website, www.stockmechanics.com.
The journey with Technical began way back in 1991 when first ABCD of Technical analysis was learnt by reading books and manual plotting of graphs as computers and technical analysis software were very expensive. The first phase of amateur period was from 1991 to 1994 when the charts were plotted manually.
The second phase of the amateur period was from 1994-1997 where a shift from manual plotting to computer based technical analysis. The learning curve showed an exponential rise.
The professional advisory carrier as Techical Analyst began from 1997 after a strong base of learning curve of 6 years. During the period of 6 year of Learning Curve, 2 years were spent as Analyst with a broking firm doing technical, fundamental analysis as well as Dealing giving the vision of market operation. The total market experience as technical analyst has been for 16 years now.
In the scope of our Analysis, we cover Equities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange market. Some of the important World Indices are studied as time demand.